Disability Awareness
|Disability Awareness
|Disability Awareness

Home Page Slide for www.disabilityawareness.co.uk

Working with Andy Hodkin, the director of Disability Awareness based on the Isle of Man, was an incredibly smooth process. He supplied me the images and copy all written up and edited. He knew how to brief too, setting out a clear plan of what needed to go onto each page, along with a clear vision of what he wanted his websites to do and how he wanted them to function - the perfect client!

The website was built using the Expression Engine CMS (Content Management System). The website is built so that the content can be altered and uploaded from any web browser or mobile phone while on the move.

I worked on two websites for Andy's business, the first for promoting his services and consultancy at www.disabilityawareness.co.uk, as well as an ecommerce store enabling buyers to download digital content and guidebooks relating to his area of expertise and subject specialism at www.disabilityawareness.co.uk/store

Home Page Slide 1

Home Page Slide 2

About Page

Ecommerce Store

Latest Products Page for www.disabilityawareness.co.uk/store

Product Page

Contact Page

Shopping Cart Page

Checkout Page